Saturday, June 6, 2009

Jackson says the Cutest Things!

"Rainbows protect you from lightening."

JAMES @ Rite Aid on Blood Pressure machine: "I'm just gonna check my air pressure." JACK: "You need to check your head!"

"Mommy, I love ya and I would never, never hurt ya. I promise, I won't ever kill ya."

"I made a butt for my butt-erfly."

"A daddy ant is a callipiddar."

James says the Cutest Things!

"Mom, did we come from American Eagle?"

"I think you and Dad wanted a baby, so you went to American Eagle and saw me and I was the one that looked the most like Dad, and I didn't cost too much, so you took me home."

"Do you think that maybe the car is just still and the world is moving?"


I should have done this a long time ago. Now, I have some remembering to do! I'll try to post as much about the boys as I can, but if you hear me mention something about them, please nag on me to post it if it's even the least bit interesting :D